Welcome Everyone and all new members, too. I’ve been thinking of things we can do ourselves to help Gaia. If you would like to share what you do to help Gaia, please add it to the comments so we can share ideas of simple ways to help. Something you share may just be what someone is looking for as a way of helping Mother Earth. A few years ago, I worked with the Archangels to fill small pebbles with their energy and place them in lakes to help the waterways. I have also stood in the sea, opened up to Reiki’s healing energy, and let it flow through me out into the ocean. A walk in nature can be so rewarding for us and Gaia. As you walk, be in your heart. The Divine Mother and Council of Love and Jesus love to walk with us, so ask, and they will walk with you, and you will see and meet amazing people and animals.
To start this week, I have written a meditation story. I will put Love and Light into some pebbles and place them in nearby areas and one in my garden.
Working with the Guardian Angels can also be great fun.

Archangel Jophiel- Google Images.

Me and the countryside view on the way to Gloucester, England, which is to the left, and on a clear day, you can see Bristol straight ahead.
To Gi’anna with Love.
As you wander down a meandering path, where ferns dance slightly in the cool breeze, you come across a clearing. Walking up to the edge of some bushes, you see the most marvelous view of lush green hillsides. A river flows gently through the area, and you can see birds and an Eagle flying against the background of a pure blue sky. You take a deep breath and enjoy the freshness of the air surrounding you.

Smiling, you continue on your way down to the river through overgrown paths you remember well. You sit at the river’s bank for a moment, taking out a small purple pouch containing pebbles from your pocket. One by one, you put them to your heart and say a prayer to bless them. You lay them out on the ground, spelling out the word love.
You call forth Archangel Jophiel, and he stands next to you. You ask that he infuse the pebbles with his cosmic particles of Jophy Dust. The pebbles shimmer and gleam when he has finished. Thanking him, you both smile. You place the pebbles back in the bag and explain to Jophiel that you will put them in the river’s path to envigorate the water. Blessed by the love and light of the Creator, the light and love within the pebbles will radiate outward, purifying the water as it flows over them.
Jophiel takes a pebble and says, “Watch” as he throws it in the river. You watch in awe as golden ripples radiate out across to the opposite river bank. Jophiel then asks you if you would like to fly with him. Without hesitation, you reply yes. He smiles as he lifts you up, opens his wings, and, carrying you, flies to the ocean. He tells you to drop a pebble in the ocean, and you do. The Pebble doesn’t sink but floats on the sea, glinting as if the sunlight had kissed it gently. From your vantage point, you could see golden ripples spreading out across the water from where the pebble floated. Eventually, the pebble sinks, and you can see the love and light glowing as it disappears in the water before fading out of sight. “Wow!” you say to Jophiel, who is now taking you to a mountainside.
Council Of Love Teacher Robin Headstrom took this photo of the word Love he wrote in pebbles years ago. He remembered it when he read the story meditation and is sharing it with us. Thank you Robin!

Jophiel gently places you on the ground. He beckons you to a gap in the rock face. As you step inside the opening, you find yourself standing in a large cave. Turning to you, Jophiel says “I wish you to spell out the word love with the pebbles on the floor of the cave. Set the intention that the energy flowing through the pebbles goes through the layers of earth to our beloved Gaia, our Earth Mother.” When you place the pebbles down, you are surprised to see that your pouch is still full of pebbles. Jophiel laughs as he sees the expression on your face. “It’s my Jophy Dust,” he says. It multiplies everything, so you always have enough. Sprinkle it everywhere. On your heart, plants, flowers, rivers, oceans, and the land around you. I would like you to take just one more pebble from your pouch and place it into a crevice within the cave wall.”
Smiling, you do as Jophiel asks and place a pebble on a small ledge with a slight dip in it. The pebble fits perfectly into the ledge. As you step back, a beam of midday sun shines in a straight line directly onto the pebble, lighting up the whole cavern.
Jophiel says, “The love and light within the pebble is now giving the mountain range a boost of Divine Energy.” You are at a loss for words. He continues, “Take your pouch of pebbles wherever you go and place each one where your heart takes you.” Jophiel tells you.” “Call my name, and even if it is a whisper, I will be by your side. We are multi-dimensional, you know.” Grinning, he picks you up again, but this time, in a split second, you are back in your home. “Thank you, Jophiel,” you say. “You are most welcome, and thank you,” he replies, taking a deep bow before you. Open-mouthed, you watch as he disappears.
The End