Take A Walk On The Wild Side.


Take a walk on the wild side.

 In May 2019 we stayed on holiday at Sandford near Poole, Dorset. England. We were surrounded by trees, bushes and flowers at the caravan site we stayed at. It really was a nice place to stay that had very old trees. Casper loved his walks and met lots of doggie friends.

We were extremely lucky with the weather and it was sunny and warm but not too hot Monday to Thursday. On Wednesday we visited the RSPB nature reserve at Arne, Dorset.

As we drove down the single-car country road with ditches at the sides, the gorse bushes adding a beautiful splash of bright yellow against green foliage I said to my husband. “We’re going to have an adventure today. We haven’t had an adventure for a long time.”  Little did we know the day’s adventure before us, as like intrepid explorers of new places, we boldly parked the car where we have never been before!

We had planned to have a meal, drink and use the facilities and then have a wander around. We paid for the car park and also was given an additional car park ticket for the disabled car park nearer the shore which was half a mile away from that but had viewpoints on the way.

I thought I would walk Casper up the hill to the cafe and shop, Hubby could drive and I said I would meet him there. I gave him a carrier bag with our water and my phone in it for him to take in the car to save me carrying it up to the cafe. So, we went our separate ways, me with Casper and him with the car. It was a hot day, I had put sunscreen on, had my sunglasses and a sun hat on.

He thought I had meant I would meet him at the 2nd car park, I got to the cafe after a steep climb and waited around asking people if they had seen him. Meanwhile, he’s about a mile away asking people if they had seen me.

I went back to the car park and he wasn’t there, the guides let me use their phone to phone my mobile which was in the bag in the car but I couldn’t remember my number and when I tried twice it was wrong the second time there was no signal as it was a remote area.

I went back to the crossroads by the cafe hoping he would drive back. Along comes a walking couple who had met my husband and knew he was looking for me. They said the best route to take to meet him was up in this woodland and down a road which would take me to the point where they had seen him, I had a map so I could see where I was going but I didn’t realise how far it was. I kept going sure that he would still be at the disabled car park. I was keeping in the shade when there was some and carried on along this farm track in between two beautiful green fields with either wheat or grass growing in them. The countryside views were stunning and I saw some birds.  In the distance, I could see teachers and school children. I had passed another group of primary school children earlier.  So, I walked up a slight hill and back down again as we trundle on, me and my faithful Casper. I started to laugh and could see the funny side of it as nothing we do is straightforward when we go out. A bit further on I got angry and stomped away mumbling to the dog who I then snapped at for taking too long sniffing some hedgerow. I told myself out loud it was not fair for me to take it out on him and apologised to Casper who happily plodded on without a care in the world.

Eventually, I got to the disabled car park and OUR CAR WASN’T THERE!!!

As I was pondering which way to go I met some more walkers who said they had not long been along the path to the beach I was going to take and that there was nobody down there. They let me use their phone to call my mobile but I did have the number incorrect. They walked on and I decided to return. There was only one car left in that car park without any people in it so there was no chance of getting a lift back plus I had no idea of how long they would be. I started walking back the way I had come. The people I met walked much faster than I did as I was really struggling. So back up the hill we go and then I saw they had stopped by a car and were speaking to hubby who was coming my way. I took my hat off and waved it at him but he didn’t see me. I was so relieved when he picked me up. So was Casper, who didn’t make a sound on the way back to the holiday park we were staying at. I thought we were going to have an argument but I think neither of us thought it was worth it. Hubby jokes he keeps trying to lose me but I keep coming back, but he had been concerned. When I had gone one way he had not long driven in the opposite direction. He kept meeting people who had met me and had also gone back to the starting point and the assistants had told him I was going up to the cafe.

I told myself off once in the car because I totally ignored all the safety things to do when in the countryside. I had no mobile. More importantly, no water, no food and it was quite remote where I was walking and if I had collapsed, I may not have been found for a long time. I did stay on the track and road but it was still very irresponsible of me to walk like that. I simply didn’t realise how far I had to go.

It was indeed an adventure; one I could have done without. All this was over 3 hours Hubby reckons 4.

Back at our caravan, I couldn’t believe it when Hubby told me his mobile phone number was on Casper’s collar all the time!!!

Here are two videos of this beautiful place which I thought would be good to share here.




Which way now?

4 thoughts on “Take A Walk On The Wild Side.

  1. Hi Lin! You’re share here is a wonderful reminder on a few varying levels; most notably that communication between couples is sometimes lacking in interstanding & our anger is an inside job just like bliss is an inside job. Thank you for your share here & I am inspired to share some of my book excerpts I have been writing, Memoirs of Spiritual Solutions. Let me know if you’d appreciate a share to two back. Divine blessings to us all!

    • Hi Andrea I hadn’t thought of my adventure like that. I just wrote it how it was. Have you got a link to your book excerpts?
      if so you can share one here in the comments. You never know who may be flying by and be interested in your book and Divine Blessings back to you.

  2. Hi Lins,

    Thank you for sharing this story and adventure! It brought back a memory of when I was pregnant with my daughter 34 years ago! My husband was supposed to pick me up after my doctor’ visit at the hospital in downtown Philadelphia. I got mixed up where I was supposed to wait for him and we didn’t have cell phones back then! I finally ended up taking the train home to NJ. He was so worried about me and upset as well that something had happened. I never got mixed up again after that!!!


    • Hi Lee, I AM so happy you enjoyed my adventure and it reminded you of one of yours. You’ll have to tell your daughter about it. You can’t best a good family story at a get together. Love and Blessings Lins xxx

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