Tag Archive | Linda Dillon

Mirror, Mirror, A Forgiveness Song. By Lee Degani.

Lee Degani – Singing At The Council Of Love Gathering. 10/11th November 2023

A Song of Forgiveness by Yah-weh channeled by Lee Degani. When Lee connects to the heavenly realms, she brings healing energies and the vibration of Peace and Love to all who hear her. 

 Mirror Mirror by Lee Degani

Chorus: Mirror Mirror shining so bright
Please bring judgment to the light
Mirror Mirror shining so bright
 Please bring addictions to pain to the light

This is the promise that you will know
When you face your fears you let them go
This is the promise I give to you
 When you forgive you are renewed

Chorus: Mirror Mirror – hatred & harm, exclusion by ego
This is the promise that you will know
When you accept your fears they can go
This is the promise I give to you
 When you forgive you are renewed

Chorus : Mirror Mirror – cruelty & control, lust & abuse
This is the promise that you will know
When you love your fears they can go
This is the promise I give to you
 When you forgive you are renewed

Chorus : Mirror Mirror – anger & blame, disease & despair
This is the promise you will know
When you see yourself as I do you will glow
This is the promise I bring to you
When you allow my light
 You are renewed

Chorus : Mirror Mirror – limitation & lack, abandonment & loneliness
This is the promise you will know
When you forgive yourself, you will glow
This is the promise I bring to you
When you forgive others
 You are renewed

Chorus : Mirror Mirror – let me forgive with the Light

Spoken: And now we are going to forgive ourselves

I AM Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You

Spoken: And now we are asking forgiveness from anyone who has harmed us because we are all one. Whoever has caused us harm – we are a part of that. If you are not quite ready to do so, just see G-d or an angel or your higher self in front of you and say it to that one and he or she will bring the energy of forgiveness to where it is needed.

I AM Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You

Spoken: Now see the mirror in front of you and see you. Tell yourself, I receive your Light.

Mirror, Mirror shining so bright – peace and joy, Love
This is the promise that you will know
When you love yourself you will glow
This is the promise I bring to you
When you allow your light
 You see the Truth of You

Chorus: Mirror, Mirror shining so bright – Please bring the Truth of Me to the Light.

Picture  form Google Images

Link to Lee’s Website, Connection To Healing. https://connectiontohealing.org/classes-and-events/

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A Trip To The Forest




Hi Everyone, We had a few days away staying next to Hurn Forest, next to the New Forest in Hampshire. I only took a few photos and a video near the entrance to the Holiday Park we stayed at. I walked Casper here every day and early morning you could hear all the birds singing, welcoming in the day.

Of course, the whole Council of Love came with us and I sent Archangel Uriel’s Silver Flame through the tree roots to Gaia and the whole area. I didn’t walk too far on my own but met some lovely local ladies walking their dogs each day. They were very friendly and Casper enjoyed meeting their dogs.

I have an affinity with Ferns. I used to use Fern and Ferny as a pen name when I wrote. I was pleased to see the forest ferns looking radiant and bushy as we have had a lot of dry hot weather. However, it always rains when we go on holiday and this time it poured down quite heavily for a day. I was surprised the forest paths and trails weren’t that muddy the next day.

This photo of the path through the forest is a story just waiting to be told. Where does it take you?

I was very enthralled when listening to  Linda Dillon channel Archangel Uriel in the July 2023 Heartcall on helping Gaia. Here is the link and the link to the transcript typed out by Ellen Nairn.



Here is a short video I took I hope you can feel the freshness in the air and enjoy the greenery.

There are so many wildfires across the world and heatwaves and the sea temperatures are rising. When at the end of Uriel’s message Linda said to ask Gaia what she needs and I did and I got the thought back help me to breathe. I have always been connected to trees and Uriel’s Silver ray and raindrops are enormous help.

This is a good meditation which I have posted on the Wednesday Peace and Healing Meditation at 9pm wherever You Are.


The video of the Forest I took.


Love and Silver Ray Blessings,

Lins xxx

Links to Linda Dillon’s Websites About Linda | Council of Love

The Council Of Love Community, Council of Love: Channeling Universal Love & Compassion with Linda Dillon


New 2023 Divine Mother Academy Of Arts Video.

Hi Here is the 2nd art video from my talented Angel friends. I hope you enjoy the art and find the video relaxing.

I made this for the Divine Mothers Academy Of Arts Topic /group. on The Col Community site. with Linda Dillon.



Love and Blessings, Lins xxx